Can't wait for my new phone to arrive

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Recently I signed up for a new mobile service plan. Along with that plan comes a free phone. This is the first time I'm going to own a phone that supports lots more features that I can make use of. Not that I care to have the latest technology, but to know that I will actually make use of them and benefit a lot from these features are actually making me really excited in wanting the phone.

It's gonna be another week or two before the phone arrives. I simply can't wait and am already thinking what are some of the stuff I can do with it that will in future save me a lot of time and help me not waste time while I have to wait in line or stuck in jams. How cool!

Luckily I didn't go buy a phone much earlier to cater to my coming needs. I'm glad to have waited and now have this free one come along. Some months back a friend of mine wanted a good but cheap phone and was negotiating hard with some of these sellers of mobile phones. I think in an attempt to make the sale at the very low price that my friend wanted, the quality of the set was compromised. For some strange reason after a day of use, the phone suddenly got locked!

She brought it back to the shop and while she got back her unlocked phone after waiting for about half an hour, she was defiitely not pleased as to how they can give her something faulty.

They just sheepishly said that maybe it's just some software malfunction and not really a problem with with phone. But then again, my friend said they weren't the least surprise when she brought her phone in and complained. That's when she suspected she had been sold a compromised product.

So you see, when you want something, I think we should pay a fair price for it. Or just have the patience and resources to get it at a good deal like how I managed to get the free phone. It's definitely more worthwhile this way. At least that's how I feel about it :)
Can't wait, can't wait, can't wait...


FooDcrazEE said...

sounds like a bb storm coming...