Last night I was at Yuen's Steamboat having a pleasant dinner. Patrons of the restaurant know that the barbequed chicken wings there are fabulous. It is not an exageration to say that once the chicken wing refills are brought out from the kitchen, they will all be gone within a minute. Actually, it is less than a minute and the tray of chicken wings would be empty. People actually rush to the buffet spread and crowd round to gather up as many pieces as they can.
While we were there, we kept a lookout for the chicken wings to be brought out from the kitchen. In our first try, we didn't get any despite being in the crowd to snatch up the wings. We noticed this guy who came and towered over others and grabbed a plate full of wings without giving a care that he was so rude.
After some time, we noticed this same guy waiting at the spread for the chicken wings (notice the guy in red shirt?). He had his empty plate and pincers ready. He stood there licking his fingers and watching the kitchen keenly. We noticed he also had a friend sitting nearby, also eyeing the kitchen. They remained there for a long time. Finally the wings were carried out of the kitchen and his face lit up with excitement. The kind of expression you see on a sportsman, ready to beat his fellow rival at all cost.
Here's a closer shot of the chicken wing desperado in his bright red shirt, and the small crowd gathered at the spread that finished the whole tray of chicken wings amongst themselves.
While we were there, we kept a lookout for the chicken wings to be brought out from the kitchen. In our first try, we didn't get any despite being in the crowd to snatch up the wings. We noticed this guy who came and towered over others and grabbed a plate full of wings without giving a care that he was so rude.

Here's a closer shot of the chicken wing desperado in his bright red shirt, and the small crowd gathered at the spread that finished the whole tray of chicken wings amongst themselves.

His friend joined him in grabbing as many chicken wings as they can on their plates and they both left happy with their treasure. As they walked past our table, I looked directly at him perhaps with an expression of disgust. He looked none the guilty of his behaviour. How inconsiderate some people are!
No doubt the chicken wings are great, but I can't comprehend people who act like they've not eaten for a whole year!
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