I'm lousy at playing musical instruments. I went for piano lessons when I was young and barely passed Grade 1 with a score of 103 (passing mark is 100). I quit after that and never touched another instrument again. Not until I was in university and my friends love jamming. I tagged along and tried the guitar for fun, of course never knowing the chords. I also insisted on trying the drums but my coordination was so bad I might as well sit quietly and listen to them play.
Then I got hooked on violin. Whenever I went to watch musicals, dances and orchestras, somehow the violin is the one thing that attracts me most. So one time I got a violin and thought that I'll really do it right by attending classes. There was a German lady who would come to the house to teach for 45 minutes and that's very convenient. So I agreed to the lessons. But on that day I chickened out and cancelled. Since then I've never learned to play but wished that I could carry a tune on it.

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