It was indeed a good weekend! Met up with friends on Friday and Saturday for dinners, went with Ray to see if can get me something to wear for the upcoming wedding dinner, checked out Borders for my #1 wanted book but ended up buying a cookbook...
Also visited Alamanda in Putrajaya. Not a place I want to go again. Oh by the way, if you drive a car bigger than the size of a Kancil or Kelisa, then you gotta watch the parking entrance real carefully. I think it was meant for Kancils'll know what I mean if you saw it for yourself. At first I thought it was an entrance for motorbikes!
Anyway, I also managed to replace the hairpin that I liked so much which I lost. Pretty little thing, ain't it? Been trying to get another one of these when I lost mine some months back but they were sold out then. Wasn't quite expecting to see it again. Think lady luck has decided to stay with me for a while. Enjoying it all I can while it lasts! :)
Felt like I've done so much in such a short time. Really maximising my weekend time and loving it!
Also visited Alamanda in Putrajaya. Not a place I want to go again. Oh by the way, if you drive a car bigger than the size of a Kancil or Kelisa, then you gotta watch the parking entrance real carefully. I think it was meant for Kancils'll know what I mean if you saw it for yourself. At first I thought it was an entrance for motorbikes!

Felt like I've done so much in such a short time. Really maximising my weekend time and loving it!
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