Over the weekend, AR informed us that Giant Shah Alam was having a promotion for Friskies cat food. So we hopped on over on Saturday afternoon where I bought 4 bags at a discounted price and got 2 more bags for free.
Sunday was the last day of the promotion and this time, 3 girls went on a big mission to sapu more bags. I grabbed another 5 while AR bought 9. Then we were given some vouchers where we only need to top up RM10 for another 5 bags. That in itself was another great deal so we grabbed more. On top of that, we also got more free bags for our total purchases.
Sunday was the last day of the promotion and this time, 3 girls went on a big mission to sapu more bags. I grabbed another 5 while AR bought 9. Then we were given some vouchers where we only need to top up RM10 for another 5 bags. That in itself was another great deal so we grabbed more. On top of that, we also got more free bags for our total purchases.

We walked out of Giant pushing 2 trolleys filled with a whopping total of 28 bags of Friskies. People who walked passed us stared at the carts. When we got to the car, we found some challenge in loading our shopping into AR's car. We filled up the trunk space, back seats and even the leg room. The whole car smelled of cat food!
Our cats now have more than enough supplies for the next couple of months.
hehe! nothing wrong if it saves you money.
bkworm, it really saved me quite a bit in the long term. now gotta save for my own meals. haha...
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