How do you tell good from bad from a simple glance? Even if you stare hard enough, maybe you won't be able to distinguish them. So how do you know the good you've been staring at is really the evil in disguise? Life just hands you all kinds of surprises.
I was a big fan of The Charmed Ones in the TV series Charmed. Though entrusted with the powers of a witch, more often than not, the sister witches can't tell a demon from a human when one is in disguise. So if a witch can't tell if she's in the presence of evil, how does a mortal being without the supernatural powers tell?
Even when you know the culprit, how do you face off with evil when you next have a chance to face up to it? Do you spit and call it names? Maybe not a good idea since it may just throw ugly revenge for bad behaviour your way the second you turn around.
For now perhaps evil should be left to be dealt with by the greater powers beyond the mortals. After all, there must be greater evil than evil itself.
It's pretty much beyond mortal's strength to avoid or cast out bad deeds done upon oneself ... but the most simple action to do right now .. is to place both palms together and say a short prayer !
After all ... prayer changes things !
Keep the faith Eternity ....
Keeping the faith and hopes high on my list!
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