Thinking of doing up a will

Friday, September 03, 2010

Not because I have tones stashed away, but because I have a basic will service provided to me for free :)

Was looking over the form and seeing how I can fill up all the necessary information and I was wondering how on earth people can actually put every dime to their name.

Anyway, when learning all about the will, I also learned that whatever insurance we have, it's all above the will and that it's creditor proof. I think that's one important aspect but I don't know why when the agents were pushing to provide their life insurance quotes, they fail to mention that.

I would think it's a great selling point to most people. Or maybe it was just those few agents I've come across who never highlighted that to me. Did you know this?

If anyone is thinking of doing a will, I would suggest you get a professional to do it for you. It can be as comprehensive as you want it to be. Of course the more complex and detailed you want it, the more expensive it gets.

But I think it's worth to invest in one to ease the hassle of execution when our days are long gone.

What a morbid thought for the day, huh? :P


petrina said...

i think its very thoughtful of you to organize this - and yes death is difficult as it is without the additional hassle of estate division - well done :)