My Valentine’s day so far

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

7.15am: Alarm went off. Wished it was weekend.
7.25am: SMS Ray a Valentine message
7.45am: Fed princesses, wished them Happy Meowantine’s Day. 1 kiss each.
8.00am: Drove to work
8.15am: Tuned in to Mix FM’s Battle of The Sexes show. *Read more below.
8.50am: Signed in 5 minutes late to work.
9.00am: Rushing my 9.30 deadline
9.30am: Rushing another before-noon deadline
10.30am: Boss took me out for tea. **Read the story at the bottom of post.
12.30pm: Lunch with friends
2.00pm: New assignment, so more work, work and work
3.30pm: Got a call from a headhunter to send in my CV (good luck or what?)
4.00pm: Raining cats and dogs. How long a jam do I have to battle later?
5.06pm: Rain has trickled down. Phew!

I hope to be out of here by 6pm to have a Valentine night =)

* As usual, Richard the Breakfast show host, got 1 guy and 1 female on air to battle it out. At the end of the show, the guy called Richard back and asked for the girl’s phone number. Richard, being the cheeky fellow that he is on air, called the girl and put them both on air! Richard told the guy to ask the girl on air if she would give him the number. What a fix the poor girl was in.

** Boss took me out to have a chat. In my mind I was thinking “Die, die, die! What did I do or not do?” She said she wants to confirm me and asked what I thought of it. I voiced my concerns and she seemed OK in addressing them and giving me some form of assurance. Then she went on to talk more about life in general; that life is too short and we should have more non-work related reasons to live for. By the end of the advise session, she was suddenly crying! Scared me a little. Anyways, I guess I’ll be confirmed soon.


DebtSurvivor said...


what do u mean by u already tag me for meme?

im stilla beginer in this blogging thingy.. hehehe

Nick said...

CONFIRMED!!!! Congrats, so now i don't have to help u look for jobs. anyway, it's always good to be headhunted.

But make sure you don't get a dumb headhunter; my experience is that jobstreet (msia) headhunters are the worst .. they can't speak proper *england*, don't even know how to conduct proper interviews (i don't think they are qualified at all), and they have this mentality that you should be grateful that you're headhunted, so just do whatever we ask you to do! (e.g. put in ridiculous stuff in your resume, amending it over and over again ..)

Eternity said...

nick, at least it makes me feel wanted. not that things will come out of it but it's a good start to a new doggie year!

point taken about the good "england". haha. encountered quite a few. amusing, huh? one day i'll tell the story of the most outrageous "england" encounter.

Anonymous said...

Big congrats ! Well done and certainly great start to the doggie year. Sorry my england not very powderful.

Eternity said...

thanks, leonard. =) everybody's engrish or england also quite powderful...haha.