Meme of 4

Thursday, February 09, 2006

No topic comes to mind that I feel like posting today. And since I've been tagged by Stargazer to do the Meme of 4, might as well give it a shot. So here goes!

4 Jobs I've Had In My Life

* Multi-tasker at Domino’s Pizza, UK
* Internal Auditor
* Business Development
* Product Development
(Not the most interesting of jobs)

4 Movies I Could Watch Over & Over

* My Best Friend’s Wedding
* The Wedding Singer
* The American President
* The Wedding Planner
(Why do I get attracted to movies with “wedding” in the title?!)

4 TV Shows I Love To Watch

* Friends
* Desperate Housewives
* Lost

4 Places Where I've Lived

* Johor Bahru
* Kuala Lumpur
* Petaling Jaya
* Colchester, UK

4 Places I've Been On Vacation To

* Hong Kong
* Holland
* Belgium
* Switzerland

4 Places I Would Rather Be

* Home
* London during Spring time, watching Phantom of The Opera with Ray
* On a vacation in a brightly lit city
* Warner Brothers studio, watching the filming of Friends

4 Of My Favourite Foods

* Pasta
* Hokkien mee
* Anything mango-ish
* Chocolate

4 Websites I Visit Daily

* The Star
* Blogger
* Web Sudoku
* Google

4 Beautiful People Worth Tagging

* Charmed One
* Daddy Nick
* FoodCrazee
* Pah


Nick said...

I watched Phantom of the Opera either 3 or 4 times in London ... not because I liked it, but because I had to accompany different people to watch it. So I will definitely not watch it again!

FooDcrazEE said...

too late girl, done this at the 7 meme b4...soli ar.....chuckle

Eternity said...

nick, i wouldn't mind being the one to accompany whoever to watch it again and next time you have such "obligation", just fly me there and i'll willingly do so for you! ;)

foodcrazee, ok dokes. tag you again next time ha...

Eternity said...

so i'll be reading your meme this weekend. :)

i've got dinner appointment today la babe. next time ya.